Our aims and ethos:
We welcome the inclusion of all children whatever their individual needs may be. All children have the right to achieve and develop to their full potential. We believe that having an inclusive policy benefits all children and is a positive experience that reflects the diversity of our community.
We aim:
• To value all children equally and to provide opportunities for equal access to the curriculum.
• To plan our curriculum to meet the needs of individual children.
• To recognise that some children will need additional support to ensure access to the whole curriculum
• To recognise the importance of early identification and assessment of children with additional needs, and work within the code of practice.
• To work in partnership with parents, valuing their views and knowledge and keeping them fully involved in their child’s learning experience.
• To work collaboratively with other agencies to meet the child’s individual needs where necessary.
The co-ordination of provision for children with additional needs.
The Hollies have a designated member of staff, Special educational needs co-ordinator (SENCO) and a deputy SENCO.
The role of the SENCO is as follows:
• To support the children with practical measures
• To monitor and review the practical intervention
• To support other members of staff
• To co-ordinate the planning for individual needs
• To liaise between the setting and any other professionals involved
• To liaise with, and support parents
• To attend training as necessary to keep up to date with policies and current issues, and share this information with all staff.
Admission arrangements:
The Hollies is committed to working with all children to meet individual needs. We will not exclude any child on the grounds of their additional needs and will strive to meet their needs and remove any barriers that may arise.
Identifying Special needs and Early Intervention:
All children are given time to settle in and become familiar with their new surroundings and routines. If staff have any concerns about a child, they will pass these on to the SENCO, who along with the key person will observe the child and assess their needs. Staff will work together in partnership...
Continued... with parents to formulate strategies to support the child. The SENCO will take the lead in co-ordinating any additional support for individual children and will implement the graduated approach as stated in the DfEE special educational needs code of practice.
When children move on to another setting, we pass on information and records to make the transition as seamless as possible. We would also arrange visits for the child and other professionals e.g. teachers if necessary, to help with the transition, with the inclusion of parents.
Evaluation of special needs policy:
The Special Educational needs policy is reviewed regularly and as the need arises to ensure our policy and practice is effective. Complaints: Any complaints surrounding our practice and provision of children with additional needs should be addressed using the complaints procedure in our policy document.
If you require any additional information on any area of our Special educational needs Policy please feel free to speak to the SENCO who will be only too glad to answer any questions you may have.