Pre-school at The Hollies

We offer care to children aged 2 years and above. Children can start Pre-School at the beginning of the half term after they have turned 2. We offer care between the hours of 7.30am and 6pm which is split into specific sessions which is detailed in our Fees and Sessions schedule. Pre-School children can also use our Holiday Club for non-term time sessions.
Children will be progressing through the areas of learning (EYFS) by accessing a well-planned curriculum based on their play, interests, and experiences. Activities are planned each term. These are based on half-termly topics considering the children’s interests. All planning is subject to change should the children’s interest take us along a different route.
During play the staff support the children, responding to their needs with both adult led, and child initiated spontaneous play. Each week the key person will plan ‘focus groups’, which are adult led activities based one the children’s stage of development and interests. These groups are to help prepare the children for ‘big school’ the following September and take place in Badger Base. Caterpillar groups are held for the younger children. These focus on the prime areas of learning, helping to develop social and communication skills and are led by staff in the designated 2-year room.
The children have access to both indoor and outdoor areas throughout the session and varied activities that are changed regularly. We also have access to the Lower Park school field where we take the children on wellie walks, exploring the natural environment.
Each morning we begin the session with circle time – discussion about the current topic, the weather etc. During pre-school sessions children can choose from a wide range of activities including construction, imaginary, fine manipulative, gross motor and creative. Children’s ideas and interests are welcomed and encouraged – they will learn more and want to explore ideas when they have a personal interest in the activity.
During both the morning and afternoon sessions, the children can visit the café for a healthy snack and drink of milk or water.
Children stopping for the lunch session (11.30-12.30) can bring a packed lunch or access a hot dinner (chargeable) from the Lower Park kitchen.
At Hollies Pre-School we aim to work towards an environment in which children can develop self-discipline and self-esteem in an atmosphere of mutual respect and encouragement. We understand that children flourish best when their personal, social and emotional needs are met and where there are clear and developmentally appropriate expectations for their behaviour.
We believe in promoting and nurturing positive behaviour and are committed to teaching children how to behave in socially acceptable ways and to understand the needs and rights of others. Anyone associated with the Hollies should work towards promoting and maintaining the positive ethos and stimulating environment of which we all have a sense of belonging and are justly proud. You can view our behaviour management policy here.
If you are interested in registering your child/children for Pre-School, then please contact the Hollies directly so we can arrange a visit for you to meet with the manager or request a registration form. Please use our contacts page.