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The Hollies response to Coronavirus

Hollies admin

During the COVID-19 pandemic, The Hollies has taken steps to help protect the children and staff attending the setting. This has come in accordance with the latest government guidelines.

Some of the changes made include parents dropping off at the gate, only one parent dropping off/collecting and using the 2m distancing markers when waiting to enter the setting. We have a staggered drop off/collection for pre-school children to reduce the number of children/parents waiting to come in. The manager/supervisor will sign the child in and out on the register. The risk has been reduced by not sharing reading books, using the diary system and passing the accident book or medication sheets to parents for signing.

We have new systems in place to report accidents to parents and for parents to communicate with us. The children’s key person will phone their key children’s parents regularly and parents are invited to phone or email if they wish to speak to a member of staff. We will continue to support our children and their families throughout this pandemic.

Breakfast and after school children will be grouped as follows: pre-school/reception children, Year 1 and 2 children, Years 3,4,5,6 children so we will have three separate groups for these sessions. Parents will be asked to drop their children off at the gate where the supervisor will sign the child in on the register and at collection the child will be brought to the gate when the parent arrives to collect them.

Full details can be found in our COVID-19 policy. This was updated August 2020. This document is continuously under review, following government guidelines and using parent/staff feedback to make any changes we feel necessary.

Furthermore, the ongoing parents survey can be found here:

We appreciate parents taking the time to complete this and welcome any feedback.

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