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Stop, Look and Listen


What a first half term we have had in afterschool and breakfast club. We have loved meeting all the new children who have started and getting to spend time with all the ones who came to afterschool and breakfast before. They have all settled in brilliantly and we cannot believe how big some of them are getting! Year 2 already😯.

Over this half term we have spent lots of time getting to know the children and helping them get to know us, we love hearing all the funny stories they have to tell us.


Last week we had some special visitors in, did any of the children tell you who?

We are very lucky in Poynton to have so many people that can help us and last week 2 of our PCSO's came in to talk to us about keeping safe near the road, when we are outside in the dark and who can help us if we need it. Paul and Louise talked to the children about making sure they wear something bright when going out in the dark, so that people and cars can see them. The children were great and all knew what to do when crossing the road; wait for the green man at the traffic lights and for the cars to stop, then hold a grown ups hand when crossing. Everyone knew that we have to Stop, Look and Listen to make sure it's safe if there are no traffic light to help us.

Louise and Paul also reminded us that if we are lost, hurt or just need some help that we can always go and find them or ring 999 and someone will come and help us.

The children listened brilliantly and had some great answers to the questions.


The children really love building and have made some great creations whilst here. Whether using the wooden blocks, duplo/lego, bricks, or any other toy they look great. They are really good at helping each other aswell and working together.


The junk modelling box is an absolute hit, especially with the older children in breakfast club. They love cutting and sticking and shaping the boxes to make all different kinds of creations. We especially love if they make hats because they're always really cool.


The children have enjoyed doing lots of crafts and have made some beautiful pictures.

Some of them go home with the children and some we keep to use on our displays in the afterschool room. How amazing are these?


We are looking forward to having lots more fun again next half term.

If there are any activities, crafts or games that you children would enjoy or have already enjoyed and would like to do again please let us know and can try to arrange it.

We hope you all have a lovely half term and we will see you back in November 😊.



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