We have been excited to see lots of blue sky and sunshine this week and have enjoyed even more time outside playing with our friends.
We have been making obstacle courses with the blocks and practicing our balancing. The children enjoy swapping and changing this around to make it even more challenging.
The outdoor train set came out to play and has been turned into great big tracks. There has also been lots of music outside with our musical instrument, there was triangles, xylophones, clackers, drums and lots of amazing singing.
Over in the mud kitchen the children have been very busy making all sorts of delicious foods and drinks for us. A favourite usually being a chocolate cake or a hot chocolate. Even the dinosaurs came for a try.
There has been lots going on inside as well. The children have been;
Building some amazing creations...
...turning the playdough into yummy biscuits and cakes...
...and working hard in the fire station, but remembering that break time is very, very important 😂.
We have been very busy making all our bunny headbands for our sponsored bunny hop.
We're looking forward to our trips around the field.