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Spring has Finally Arrived


Well it has been quite a while since our last blog so we have got lots to update you on. The children have all been very busy crafting, exploring and building some amazing creations.

With spring arriving and the weather getting better we have loved some extra time outside, watching the flowers as they start to bloom and talking about all the changes that we have seen.

We will be having a slight change to the format of the blog, from now on each blog will be both a Breakfast/Afterschool and a Preschool blog, so click on on of the options below and it will take you to where you want to be.


Breakfast and Afterschool Club

We are as busy as ever and have been excited to welcome some new faces as the year has gone on. Each day we are amazed by the ideas the children come up with and how creative they can be, both inside and out.

A game of football is always a big hit and it is lovely watching all the different ages play together and have a game. They are great at cheering each other on and helping show the younger children some new skills. Sometimes in breakfast we can see the football practice on the field and the children enjoy watching their friends.

A morning chat and a catch up is also always well enjoyed, especially if it's done on a Go-Kart.

There has been some great builds outside as well, the children love to build with the crates and the wooden blocks. Making dens, houses, jumps and more.

As the weather changes we are hoping to get outside more and have some different activities on the go.

Inside comes with so many great activities for the children to do and explore. They love using the wedgits, acrobats and popoids to create different models, some even taller than them...

...and some are turned into special houses for a friend!

The older children are great at looking after the younger children that come, whether that be their sibling or a new friend they have made whilst coming. It is so lovely watching as they help each other and make up new games.

Drawing and creating is a definite favourite when here. We love to get out

the scissors and use the junk modelling boxes to make and invent different things. There is always a table on the go with pens and paper and you can almost always find somebody there as well.

Or quite a few someone's!

There is lots of exciting things planned for the children to do over the coming weeks as we head towards the end of term and we look forward to seeing all their smiley faces.



What have we been up to...

At the minute we have been taken over by animals! We have been exploring the story 'My Granny Went to Market' and in this Granny explores all different areas around the world. At the moment we are visiting Africa and all the animals that live there. The home corner has got a grassy area, a sandy area and the sea for all the different animals and the animals have taken over!

The children have absolutely loved having pictures of their holidays and adventures on the wall. They have been taking us and the other children over to look at them and tell us all about what they have been doing. It has been great for talking about different places around the world and where they have seen. There has been some cushions and lots of different books about the world in there as well which have been well used.

Next we are off to visit Australia, I wonder what we might find there?


Over the last few weeks we have had a few exciting visitors who came to see us. Earlier in February we had a visit from Francis and the Bookstart Bear.

Francis was amazing and read a great story to us all about having a pet crocodile, She even brought some crocodile puppets with her for the children to look after throughout the book.

After our story the Bookstart Bear came in and he is VERY BIG! The children were very excited...

... and very welcoming. They greeted him with big smiles, waves and lots of squishy hugs. We were very lucky because the bear was able to stay to have a sing and a little dance with us before he left. What a great visit.


We also had a visit from Anne and Gus recently who brought in some Guide Dog Puppies with them called Ted and Fliss.

Both were very young dogs who were exploring and learning all about the world ready to start training. The children again were very welcoming to our visitors and did some great listening to what they had to tell us.

They found it very funny when Ted and Fliss chatted to each other and started to play.

Thank you all for your donations that you sent in, they have been passed over to Guide Dogs.


Imagination is something that the children have in bucketloads and they have been making some amazing things with their friends. We got some new foam bricks which have been used as stepping stones, to make dens and houses and also to build giant towers nearly as tall as the door!

We have been building cozy areas outside with the crates.

There has been some brilliant houses and towns made with the blocks, Duplo and Flower Construction.


We have been up to so many other exciting things as well. Making different crafts, completing jigsaws, playing games, singing, dancing and so much more. We are loving some drier weather which has meant we could have the tents out and the mats on the floor for the toys. It has also meant exploring the sand in a different way because it is dry, the mud as well which I'm sure some of you have noticed based on the muddy faces greeting you at the end of the day!

Here is a few photo highlights for you...


What are we working on...

As always we are continuing to support the children in all areas during their time here. Each day we have out different activities and resources that help the children to develop. We have been learning lots about nature recently, with the arrival of spring it is a great time to learn about how things grow and how to look after lots of living things.

Our sunshine song is still a big hit with the children and they enjoy listening to it for a little calm down before circle. They have picked up the signs brilliantly and some enjoy listening with their eyes closed whilst doing the signs, it is very cute! We still talk with them about helping their friends to keep their sunshine to help them stay happy, and what we can do if it starts to go away.


What is coming up...

On Wednesday the Hollies will be open for our Mother's Day open day. We have got lots of lovely activities planned and the children have been busy making something special for you all.

We are looking forward to seeing you all here if you can make it, and we know the children are very excited to show you around.


Useful information for you...

We are regularly updating our Facebook page with useful information for you to have a look at. This could be different activities you could do with your child, things that you might find useful to support them or even links to any additional support that you may find helpful. If you are not part of our group but would like to be, then please send a request and someone will add you in.


Our Favourite Stories...

One of our favourite stories at the minute is 'My Granny Went to Market'. This book is amazing for exploring the world and lots of different cultures. We have been basing our home corner around this story recently and exploring lots of new and exciting places.

Here is a link to someone reading the story if you would like to listen at home.


It has been a very busy start of the year and we have got an exciting few weeks left before the end of term.

Enjoy the lovely sunshine whilst it lasts and we will have another blog ready for after the holidays 😊.


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