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Our Pre-School Adventures


Well what an absolutely brilliant start we have had to Pre-School. The children have settled in so well and we are so impressed with them all. As they are finding their feet and getting used to our routines we are starting to see so many lovely little personalities shining through. We have been loving lots of giggles, smiles and some fabulous hugs 🌞. There has been some lovely game play and friendships that are growing between the children which we are excited to help nurture.


Since the children have started we have been learning lots of new songs and they have been picking up the words and signs so well, I hope they have been teaching you them at home?

We have also been enjoying listening to lots of different stories throughout the day, the children really love the CD stories at circle time, a favourite being 'The Journey Home from Grandpa's'. I will pop in a link to them on Youtube if you would like to listen at home, they really do love them.


We have had lots of toys and activities out for the children to enjoy and explore.

The climbing frame was a big hit, both for climbing and sliding on but also for sitting underneath and turning it into an ice cream shop, a house or a den.


We have also got a new bubble machine which has been lots of fun, it makes so many bubbles!!!

Outside we have also done lots of exploring in the trough. We have had the sand out, the Sticklebricks, the Happyland, water play and most recently some leaves and pasta which has been great for the children's sensory development. They enjoyed using the magnifying glasses to explore inside the leaves and see what they could find.


Inside, we have made some great tracks with the trains, they've had tunnels, bridges, signs and lots of very busy trains driving along.


It has been very, very busy in the shop. There has been customers visiting all day long, the shelves are often empty. We have got some great workers who have been really good at restocking ready for the next customers, we have been selling lots of different household essentials, soap, milk, toothpaste, cleaning supplies, coffee, hot chocolate and much more.


This week we have got the PCSO's coming in to teach the children about road safety, this is a great time of year for us to do it as the evenings are becoming darker. During the visit they have a chat with the children about how to be careful when they're out and about and how to stay safe near the road. Afterwards (weather dependent) we go out for a little walk and practice crossing at the Traffic Lights at the end of Hazelbadge Road.

Next half term we will be celebrating lots of Festivals with the children. We will be exploring Diwali, Hannukah and Christmas. There will be lots of activities for each which will help to immerse the children into different cultures and beliefs.

If anybody celebrates these at home and would like to come in and chat with the children about them please get in touch and we will arrange a time for you to come in 😊.


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