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November has Arrived


Welcome back everybody after what I'm sure was a busy but very exciting break. We have got lots to look forward to over the next half term and a few things to tell you about from the last one.


What we have been up to...

Before we broke up for the holiday we were very busy in Pre-School. We had a visit from the PCSO's who came to talk to us about road safety and keeping safe when we are out and about. We talked about making sure we wear bright clothes if it's dark, holding hands with our adult near the roads and wearing a seatbelt in the car.

We even got to go on a little trip to the traffic lights and practice crossing the road. The children all wore their Hi-Viz jackets and held on really tight to the grown ups hand who was with them. We waited at the traffic lights for the light to turn red and for the green man to come on. Then we crossed over.

We had to wait very patiently at the other side whilst all our friends crossed. After that we crossed back over and went back to Hollies. Well done everyone.


We have also been exploring the changes in the seasons. We have been watching the leaves falling off the trees and scooping them up into piles. After they have been off the tree for a while they make a great crunchy sound.

There was also some very interesting pumpkins that arrived at Hollies. They all looked different, some were big, some were small and some were different colours. The children loved looking at and exploring them, especially when we opened them up and looked inside.

They were very interested to feel it and see what it was like.

We had some great words from the children to describe it, they said it was; "Slimy", "Sticky", "Gluey", "Bumpy", "Damp", "Star Shaped", "Cold", "Wet", "Smelly" and even more. They also noticed that the seeds looked like "Raindrop" shapes.

As we were exploring it the children also asked some great questions, "How do we eat it?", "How does it grow?", "Can we put the top back on?".

We talked lots about it and planted some of the seeds into some soil to see if we can grow our own pumpkin.

Have you been exploring any pumpkins at home? Or did you cut them into any exciting shapes?.


With Diwali coming up we started to talk to the children about it and introduce some traditions that may take place. They have enjoyed listening to stories and looking at pictures about the festival. A great activity to do with young children is making Henna Hands.

We cut out some hands and used chalk to make lots of patterns on them. the children loved doing this...

... and they looked amazing!

One of our children also made a wonderful poster at home and brought it in to show her friends. We have put it on display in the window and the children have been asking lots of questions about what is happening in the pictures.

As always if there is any festivals or celebrations that you celebrate at home and would like to come in to have a chat or do an activity with the children you are always welcome.


What we are working on...

We do so many things throughout the day to support the children in every area of their development, through games, activities, stories, conversations and so many other ways and we sometimes find that some areas might need a bit of extra support. At the minute we are giving the children some extra support on being kind and respectful to each other and their teachers.

There is so much happening in the life of a 2, 3 and 4 year old and there is so many hard lessons to learn and it can be really difficult for them to regulate their emotions and reactions. It is so important for us to give them the tools to manage these situations. Sharing, asking for help and remembering to use our words instead of our hands can sometimes be difficult, especially when their brains are still developing.

We have been doing lots of different things within the setting to support the children with this. Over the last week we have been reading lots of stories about being kind and listening to others. Afterwards we have been talking to the children about what happened in the book to make someone sad and what happened after that made them happy. We have been singing songs about using manners and remembering to use gentle hands.

Throughout the day we are talking to the children during different situations about how things might make them feel, what they could've done differently and what they can do instead next time.

Before Half term we introduced our 'Superstar Helpers' board which the children have loved. Every child has a star and throughout the day if we see the children doing something helpful or kind, at circle time we will put their name on the board. There is so many things they can do to go on the board, it could be they have been great at tidying up, or they have done something really kind to help their friend or one of the adults. The children are responding well to this and are so proud when they get their star on the board, have they been telling you at home?

We have lots of other strategies and activities in place to support the children if needed. If you are noticing this behaviour at home and would like some additional support or some ideas to try please just let us know.


What is coming up...

There is lots of exciting things coming up over this half term that we are really looking forward to.

November 13th is World Kindness Day

November 15th is Children in Need

November 30th is St Andrew's Day

On the 11th December we will be walking up to the Post Box to post our Christmas cards.

December 12th is Christmas Jumper Day.

Our Nativities will be held on the 9th and 13th of December.

And on December the 18th and 19th we will be having our Christmas Parties.

We have already started practicing our Christmas songs ready for a great Nativity and we will be starting to make our Christmas cards soon.


Useful Information for You...

There is some great resources and information pages out there for you to access and one that we find to be brilliant is the BBC Tiny Happy People Page.

They have some great suggestions and advice about so many different things and is a great read if you get the chance.


Our Favourite Stories...

We listen to so many stories at the Hollies and are CD stories are always a big favourite. One of our best ones is Dragon on the Doorstep. I will attach the link below if you would like to have a listen...

Some of the books we have been reading this week are:

Cowboys can be Kind by Timothy Knapman

Monkey Needs to Listen by Sue Graves and Trevor Dunton


We are looking forward to lots of fun over the next half term and can't wait to share it with you all.


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