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Here, There and Everywhere


We have had a great first 2 weeks back at Hollies. We have welcomed some new friends who have settled in amazingly.

We have also started a new theme for the next term, we will be exploring all different kinds of transport, which will help us to get to lots of new places.

As you can tell from the picture above our first mode of transport was a submarine. We went on some great adventures under the sea, we spotted lots of different animals and even bumped into some of our friends along the way.

This week and last our favourite mode of transport came back. Any guesses what it is?

A Hot Air Balloon of course. We have enjoyed flying away into the sky and exploring the world around us. Circle times have been great as well for our younger children. They have enjoyed telling us lots of stories and adventures whilst inside.

Some of the children have even been playing Christmas Eve inside, they all have a lie down and go to sleep and then when they wake up Santa comes, it's been very cute.

We have got lots of other kinds of transport to explore over the coming weeks.


We have also had some great builders working very busily. The big wooden blocks have been a great hit and the children have made some amazing things. They have also been great helpers when tidying them all up which is a BIG job.

What amazing creations!


The children have also enjoyed having the puppets out, they have put on some great shows with them.


We have also enjoyed reading lots of stories, playing with the sand, making lots of tasty things in the mud kitchen and some beautiful butterflies with the playdough.


Bringing back chatterbags has been so lovely and special for the children, they have taken great pride in showing and telling their friends all about what is inside. They love hearing all about their friends treasures and adventures as much as they like talking about their own.

Just a gentle reminder to make sure that anything the children want to bring in to show, does fit inside their Chatterbag.


We have got a few exciting things coming up this half term to tell you about.

Tomorrow the Police will be coming to visit to talk to the children and will be bringing their Police car for the children to have a look inside.

And on Monday 13th May we will be going on our train ride to Macclesfield Library, which we are every excited about.


Here's to another half term of fun!


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