What an amazing week we have had at Hollies and we've got to start off this weeks blog with our Mother's Day Open Day.
We cannot say thank you enough for all the visitor's that came and joined us on Wednesday. The children absolutely loved seeing you all and being able to show you all around Hollies. It was such an amazing day and we hope you all had as much fun as we did.
We have also got to say a big thank you to all our helpers with the cake sale, who either baked, sold cakes for the morning or donated money because we raised an absolutely amazing amount of £210, which massively exceeded our expectations and we couldn't be more grateful for everyone's generosity.
We had so much going on throughout the day and took some great pictures to share with you all.
Inside Jo was helping the children to decorate some very tasty biscuits, which looked very yummy. I wonder if any mummies got to try their biscuit?🤔
At the other side of the room the children were making some beautiful flower arrangements for you to take home and look after. They did such an amazing job and I bet they're even more gorgeous once the daffodils bloom 🌾.
There was also lots of building, story reading, playdough playing and car racing happening inside as well!!
It was beautiful weather outside on Wednesday so we had lots of fun out there to. The children enjoyed playing on the ride ons and especially on the soft play.
And looking at our great decorations.
Inside Badger base we made some awesome bracelets with pipe cleaners and pasta.
We also had our cake sale in Badger Base and that did come with some chocolatey faces.
We really did have a wonderful day and hope you all enjoyed all the special things the children made for you.
We had a few other exciting things happening at Hollies as well throughout the week. We celebrated Austin's 4th birthday and he brought in a yummy cake for all his friends to have.
We have also celebrated World Book Day and there was some amazing outfits. The children looked great.
On top of all these things we have also been building and playing with our friends.
We are looking forward to another great week full of even more excitement and adventures.
A little reminder that Friday is Red Nose Day and we will be doing a collection for this cause, so please remember to wear something red. I wonder who can wear the most? 💓.