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Happy Monday!


Wishing you all a soggy welcome back from your holidays. We hope you have all had lots of fun on your week off and we are looking forward to hearing all about it.

We had a busy start of the Autumn term and had many exciting activities. A few highlights are...

We have been drawing some great pictures on our chalk boards. Using paint brushes and our fingers dipped into water. The children enjoyed watching the pictures change as the water dripped down.

We have played in our sensory trough, making a nest for the eggs and helping the chicks to hatch. All our materials were collected from outside and we talked about different things the birds might use to make nests.

The PCSO's came to visit us and talked about road safety. We sang them our song about crossing the road, "Holding hands on the busy busy road" and talked about who can help us when we need to cross.

After we put our special vest on and went out to practice. We used 'Stop, Look, Listen and Think' before we crossed and talked about the colours of the traffic lights, making sure it was safe. The children enjoyed pressing the button and waiting for the traffic light to beep before we crossed.

Our Hollies 'Jungle' has started to change with Autumn arriving. The children have loved walking through and listening to all the different noises the leaves have made. The bamboo has been a great place for hide and seek, especially for the toys!!

It is looking like a very soggy start to the next half term and we have got a big box of wellies ready and waiting to be jumping into puddles.

We have got lots of exciting activities planned this half term, including our Nativity and Christmas Parties. Our Christmas songs are already being practiced ready for a great performance in December and we can't wait.

Our shop has just closed but was well loved by the children. They have used shopping baskets and bags to collect their shopping and then went up to the till to pay. We had real vegetables including potatoes, parsnips and carrots.

There were scales which the children have been using to weigh out their food and see if they could make them even on each side.

Our shop has now turned into a doctors and we have already got patients lining up to be seen.


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