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Choo, Choo


What an amazing few weeks we have had at Hollies. We have done so much and there has been so many exciting things happening.

Our theme this term has been about transport so we have been exploring lots of different ways for us to get from place to place. So far our home corner has been a submarine, a train and this week we have got a boat.

The children have loved exploring all these and they have had some great role play.


To help us with this we had a visit from two Police Officers. They came to talk to us about being safe, how to ask for help and who we can ask if we need it.

They told us something really important which is to make sure that your children know your names. If they get lost and the police ask for names it is trickier to help if they only know Mummy and Daddy.

They also brought some things with them for us to look at. The children really enjoyed trying on the different uniforms and having their fingerprint done. Even more exciting was the Police car, we all got to have a look inside and ask lots of questions about what the buttons do and what all the different things in the boot are for. The children were very inquisitive. The Police Officers even put the lights on for the children to see.

We absolutely loved having them and the children were amazing.


In between all our excitement we have been doing lots of painting, colouring and even rescuing some different vehicles that got a bit stuck.

The children have been building, balancing and doing lots of playing in the sand. We have loved the sunshine.


In preparation for our train trip we went to Hollies ticket office and have been buying our tickets and visiting lots of different stations. We've been to the beach, Nana's garden and to Manchester.

Then the most exciting thing of all we went on a REAL train to Macclesfield Library. We were so impressed by all the children and how well they did. They all listened brilliantly whilst walking down the road, waiting for the train at the platform and whilst listening to stories in the library.

We saw lots of animals on the train trip and stopped at 3 stations along the way!

At the library we read so many stories and there was even a train we could sit inside there. The children picked out lots of different books to read and enjoyed having some stories from the ladies who worked there.

We have had great fun and are looking forward to lots more exciting visits and trips in the future.


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