Our Pre-School children have been very busy over the last couple of weeks. There has been lots of activities and events happening. Read on to hear all about it...
We have heard some amazing stories from your children about fireworks for Bonfire Nights. At Hollies we have been making our own fireworks using paint and a salad spinner! They looked fabulous.

We used a pipette to drop the paint onto the paper....

...made it spin really, really fast. And...
...made some really colourful fireworks.
We have been learning about Autumn and made a tree, using real leaves, to decorate Badger Base. The children have been very excited to explore our new planter. We waited (very patiently) for a slightly drier day and then the children went out with Viv to plant some new flowers. We can't wait to watch them grow and see what they look like.

We have put a special cover on the top to stop the birds from getting in and eating the seeds.
It has also been Remembrance Day so we have been making some lovely 'flower' pictures to help us to remember people.

Coming Up..
We will be starting to celebrate Diwali 'The festival of Light' and have started to make some Henna hands using colourful chalks. The children have already started this today.

We will also be starting to prepare for Christmas. Making cards to post home, practicing songs for our Nativity and filling the Hollies with lots of Christmas cheer ;).