We had a very fun but very busy February half term. It was all about nature! Unfortunately the weather was against us this week so we didn't manage to get outside as much as we wanted to or onto the field as we hoped but, the children were fabulous and we had great fun anyway.
The beginning of the week was part of 'National Nest Box Week', which is to encourage people to put up nest boxes to give the birds safe and warm places to nest, so we made some great looking nests. They looked amazing and I hope they look as good in the garden🐣🐦🐥.

We did many other bird related activities as well, including making bird feeds and bird finders, after, we used them to see if we could spot any around Hollies.
We have enjoyed baking this week, we started off by making some very tasty bread. The children did amazing weighing out the ingredients and then kneading and shaping the bread. We even had a very loud (and slightly crazy) head chef who had them full of giggles.

I wonder if you can guess what animal our bread was?

We also made some very tasty looking egg biscuits, which had as many toppings on as the children could possibly fit!!!!

We love to do crafts, build and make LOTS of mess so here are a few photo highlights of some of our other activities.

We made some oobleck, which is very clever, it is solid when in the tray and once picked up turns into a very dribbly messy goop.

Some of the girls make a great den to play in.

Our seed pictures looked amazing.

We loved using the bird finders outside and spotted some blackbirds on the field and heard lots of birdsong in the trees around us.

We had some great building inside as well, it was really tall and even had a slide!
Our next Holiday Club will be during the Easter Holidays and we are all ready looking forward to even more fun 🤩.