We just wanted to say a massive thank you to everyone that came for our Father's Day Open Day. We, the children and hopefully all of you had an amazing day and we wanted to thank you for helping to make it so special for the children.
We enjoyed so many different activities on the day and have got some lovely pictures to share with you.

We were great at rescuing the bugs from the trough. It was sometimes a bit tricky but with help from our special people we got them out!!

We had great fun playing games outside, we did some bowling, played catch with the balls and scoops and enjoyed making shapes in the sand pit.

There was lots of different things going on inside aswell.

The children took great care when decorating their coasters and they looked amazing.
We were also busy making biscuits, I wonder who got to eat them at home time?🤔.

Some lucky visitors even got a free trip through the airport and onto the plane. I hope you flew off somewhere nice and sunny.

What an amazing day we had. We hope you loved all your special gifts.
We have got lots to look forward to over the last half term.
On Wednesday we are off to Lyme Park for our end of year trip. It is fabulous every year and the children love it.
On the 14th July is our Quiz Night Fundraiser, we hope to see you all there!
On the 17th July we will be starting of with our Teddy Bears Picnic. Hopefully the sunshine will come out and we can enjoy it outside, if not we make a great picnic set up inside. Then in the afternoon it will be sports day. So make sure to remember your teddy and running shoes😁.