Learning Book

During your child’s time at the pre-school, their key person will be responsible for tracking their progress. We use an online learning journey called Learning Book. All the staff are responsible for completing observations on the children and then the key person will check them and link them into the child’s learning journey. Observations can be photographs, videos or just a written observation.
Each observation will cover areas of learning in the Early Years Foundation Stage:
Personal, Social and Emotional
Communication and Language
Physical development
Knowledge and Understanding of the world
Expressive Arts and Design
And/or the characteristics of learning:
Playing and exploring
Active learning
Creative and thinking critically.
Your child’s key person will track your child through these learning areas and will support them to move forwards, learn new skills and gain knowledge.
The Learning Book enables us to share your child’s experiences and you will also be able to add comments alongside the observations.
Your child will have many experiences at home and we would welcome you to share these experiences through their learning journey by downloading photographs and writing a couple of sentences about the experience. The key person will be able to see this and will then be able to link it to the learning goals.
Guidance around the learning book can be found here: http://content.learningbook.co.uk/hubfs/docs/User_Guides/2015_New_Guides/Parents_Guide_to_MyLearningBook.pdf