Prevention of illness and the spread of disease is of primary importance at the Hollies and all staff and children are taught the importance of hand washing, especially after toileting and before food is handled.
The children must not be sent to the setting with any infectious disease including, diarrhoea, vomiting, fever, chickenpox, measles, mumps, meningitis, hepatitis, head lice, scabies etc. The exclusion period for a child or adult with sickness is 48 hours. On other occasions the exclusion of a child will be at the discretion of the Supervisor in charge. Please refer HERE for current COVID-19 information.
If a child becomes ill whilst at the setting, they will be kept comfortable with an adult in constant attendance until their parent-carer/arrives. The sickness book will be completed, and the parent/carer will be asked to sign when they collect their child.
If a child has a medical condition such as asthma, the medicine can only be administered by the Supervisor with written consent and instruction from the parent.
A First Aid box is kept on the premises and any incidents are recorded in the accident book and then reported to parents.
In the event of an accident requiring more than First Aid, and if the parents cannot be contacted, a member of staff will accompany a child to the surgery or to hospital until the parents or a relative arrives.
When dropping off at Breakfast Club, you will need to press the bell and you will either be automatically let in or a member of staff will come to the gate. You will sign your child in on the register. This register is doubled checked before the children leave with the staff before the school day commences.
When collecting from After School you will ring the bell and once you are let in to the premises you must sign your child out on the register with the supervisor.
When you arrive at The Hollies for Pre-School a member of staff will be positioned on the main door and the manager will open the gate. The manager will remain at the gate until all the children have entered and the parents/carers have left the premises. Parents/carers will sign their child in, and the member of staff will mark them in. During the session, both the gate and the door are kept secured for your children’s safety. The code for the gate is only known by the staff members. The code is changed in the event of a member of staff leaving the Hollies If you need to enter or leave the premises when the gates are locked a member of staff will open the gate. There is a bell be the entrance to ring if needed.
At the end of the session, the children are all taught to sit and wait inside until their parent/carer comes over to collect them. A member of staff stands at the exit door to ensure that no child leaves without the correct adult.
All the children’s details are kept in a register, which is filled in when each child arrives, so we are aware of how many children are always present in the building.
Please do not allow your children to wear any jewellery as it can get caught on other children or on the equipment and cause a nasty accident.
Full policies regarding safety of the building and equipment are available for you to read on the premises or can be viewed here.
Our priority is one of safety and we take all possible precautions to ensure the children are not put at risk in any way whilst at the Hollies.