Clothing and nappies at Pre-School

Please could all clothing likely to be removed at the setting be clearly labelled with your children’s names, e.g. coats, wellingtons and especially ‘Hollies’ sweatshirts and t-shirts. The latter are available in a variety of colours and sizes to order directly from pre-school.
Please dress your child in comfortable clothes. Old clothes are best as many messy activities take place, e.g. painting and gluing. We do use aprons to protect their clothes but inevitably some splashes do occur! Please send a waterproof coat in each day your child attends – we do allow the children access to the outdoor area, regardless of the weather.
We try to encourage the children’s independence at pre-school, so being able to cope with their own clothes when going to the toilet is very important – dungarees and jeans with stiff buttons and zips are not very easy for small children to cope with. Ideally, tracksuits and leggings with elasticated waistbands are really the best for warmth and independence.
If your child is not toilet trained when he/she is due to start pre-school, do not worry we are quite happy for them to wear a nappy or pull ups and to change them when required. Please bring spare nappies / pull ups when dropping them off in the morning. When you feel your child is ready to progress onto the next stage, we will work with you, helping in any way we can.