Before and Afterschool Clubs

Lower Park school children can access our Breakfast and Afterschool Club sessions. Spaces can be booked on a permanent basis term time only and we also allow ad hoc bookings into these sessions where numbers allow. Please see our Fees and session schedule for prices.
The Breakfast club opens at 7.30am, breakfast is included in the price and is served up to 8.30am. The staff take all the children over to Lower Park in time for the start of the school day. Reception, year one and two are collected by the staff and years three to six make their own way over to the Hollies for Afterschool club. All the children have an afternoon snack (included in the price) at around 3.30pm. You can collect your child from Afterschool club at any time up to when we close at 6pm.
Children in Reception, as well as those pre-school children attending these clubs, will progress through the areas of learning (EYFS)
The Before and Afterschool supervisors will plan for these children on a regular basis.
The Afterschool club team plan weekly activities for all children who wish to take part, to include craft, baking, sporting activity for example. The staff also organise theme nights and competitions. All the children have access to age appropriate resources. Year two and above also have access to the Butterfly room which was refurbished to provide a space for the Wii, games table, board games and age appropriate craft materials. Children can also complete homework if they wish in this room.
The outdoor space is available to all children at these sessions. Staff also take groups of Afterschool children over to Lower Park fields (weather permitting) to play football or other team games.
The staff can drop off and collect children to any Lower Park clubs that they may wish to attend such as choir, karate, band, and football etc. We can also take children over to school in a morning if they need to attend extra tuition with their teachers.
At the Hollies, we aim to work towards an environment in which children can develop self-discipline and self-esteem in an atmosphere of mutual respect and encouragement. We understand that children flourish best when their personal, social and emotional needs are met and where there are clear and developmentally appropriate expectations for their behaviour. We believe in promoting and nurturing positive behaviour and are committed to teaching children how to behave in socially acceptable ways and to understand the needs and rights of others. Anyone associated with the Hollies should work towards promoting and maintaining the positive ethos and stimulating environment of which we all have a sense of belonging and are justly proud. You can view our behaviour management policy here.
If you are interested in registering your child/children for Before/Afterschool club then please contact the Hollies directly so we can arrange a visit for you to meet with the manager or request a registration form. Please use our contacts page.